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What is Koinos?

   Today, data is essential to business, offering competitive advantage and numerous opportunities for growth, whether for decision-making, process optimization or information exploitation, making the buying or selling of data an essential element in achieving one’s objectives.

   Data is therefore precious, but its easily duplicated nature makes it complex to sell. When duplicated, it can be easily disseminated, distributed or propagated, resulting in a loss of control for the creator or holder of the data. This loss of control in turn reduces the potential for value and profit.

   Raw data itself has no value; its value lies in the use to which it is put. So, to preserve this value, our approach is to prevent the possibility of duplicating or copying data, while allowing users to retain only the results of their manipulations. This guarantees control over the creators or owners of the data, and maximizes its value, while ensuring the confidentiality of the information manipulated.

   A veritable revolution in the use of data is opening up: No need to sell data and lose control. Opt for data rental! It’s a win-win solution for both data owners and users (analysts, companies, researchers, institutions, etc.). This means you can use the results of your data without having to buy and store it, and make the most of the data you own while retaining ownership.

   Discover this revolutionary concept with Koinos and join the data rental movement.

The Koinos installation

   Koinos is implemented by an operating system acting as a computer driver. This system is designed to be autonomous and unobservable. At the heart of this system is the control and security module that regulates data flow in the algorithms used.

   This operating system would be installed within the IT infrastructure where the data was produced, guaranteeing that the data does not leave its place of origin and remains under the exclusive control of the producer. The data cannot be copied, thus preserving its integrity and confidentiality.

A revolutionary solution for data security and valorisation

   With its ability to guarantee data security while preserving its value potential, Koinos opens the way to new opportunities and unprecedented innovation. By adopting Koinos, you’ll benefit from a revolutionary solution that will transform the way you manage and exploit your data, taking your business to new heights.